Vivace Strings Ensemble Camp (Violin & Cello) 2022
Address: 9889 Bellaire Blvd, #D261, Houston, TX 77036
Vivace Houston | Dun Huang Plaza
1st - 5th, 2022
(Monday to Friday)
09:30 AM - Check In
10:00 AM - Morning Practice
11:00 AM - Music Enrichment Class
12:00 PM - Lunch (Provided by Designated Restaurants in Dun Huang Plaza. Fees Not Included)
01:00 PM - Nap-time
02:00 PM - Strings Ensemble Class | Session A
03:00 PM - Strings Ensemble Class | Session B
04:00 PM - Practice & Homework
05:00 PM - Camp Closes
Whole-Day: $450.00/each
Half-Day: $300.00/each
August 1st - 5th, 2022 (Monday to Friday)
Registration Fee: $35.00 (Siblings Registration Fee Waived, Vivace Current Student Registration Fee Waived)
* We will reserve the spots for the paid applicants only.